The nuraghe Dovilineò in Orgosolo

An imposing prehistoric fortress, with completely unusual architecture, rises to almost a thousand meters high in the heart of Barbagia di Ollolai, in Sardinia.

It stands in a strategic position taking advantage of the formation of the granite rocks, to dominate the plain of Pratobello, alongside a village with extraordinarily large huts. The nuragheDovilineò– also calledDuvilinò– it stands on a rocky outcrop about ten kilometers from Orgosolo. It is of mixed type, meaning it has characteristics of both corridor nuraghi (or proto nuraghi) and the subsequent complex nuraghi.tholosThe fact that it was built using natural rock would explain the reason for its particular structure. The building material could only be granite, obtainedon sitein square blocks of considerable size.

The fortress consists of a central tower with corridors, whose remaining height is about twelve meters, around which three secondary towers are arranged. The lintel entrance leads into a covered corridor with a flat roof. On the left side of the passage, there is a tunnel that leads to a well, constructed with rows of small stones and with a pointed arch cover, nearly two meters deep. From an opening on the right, you will access the main room with an elliptical floor plan, featuring a niche and another corridor, which, through a spiral staircase, leads to the upper level.

Two of the three secondary towers are covered by rubble due to collapses, while the third, the west one, has an interesting structure: on the south side, two corridors open up that lead to the same environment, while on the opposite side, a third corridor branches off that leads to the north side of the tower. It is from the western tower that the outer wall begins, which extends to enclose the entire area in front of the main entrance. All around the building, especially on the southeast side, there are traces of huts belonging to a village. You will be surprised by the diameter of some of them, which measures around ten meters. (Sardegna Turismo).

The photos of nuraghe Dovilineò, in the territory of Orgosolo, are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna.