The nuraghe Corbos of Silanus

The nuraghe Corbos of Silanus “is located on a small hill, about 200 m from the left bank of the river Riu Su Frusciu. The archaeological area includes the monotorre nuraghe, the remains of a village, and a dolmenic structure tomb with betili. The nuraghe is preserved to a remaining height of almost 12 meters. The entrance of the building is currently unusable due to the fallen stones, which cover it almost to the height of the architrave. However, it is possible to access the inside of the tower through a breach that leads directly into the helicoidal staircase. The circular chamber of the upper floor is preserved only to a height of 1-2 remaining courses.

In the external masonry of the nuraghe, there are square-section holes arranged at regular intervals. Perhaps originally inside these cavities, there were beams that were part of a wooden structure. The masonry work of the nuraghe is particularly well-crafted; the blocks of the upper courses are well-worked and sub-square in shape.

To reach the nuraghe, one must travel along Provincial Road 6 for about 5.9 km towards Dualchi, then turn left and follow the road for another 3 km leading to the Nuraghe Corbos, which can be seen from afar on the promontory.” (from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Corbos are by: Gianni Sirigu, Marco Cocco, Bibi Pinna, Maurizio Cossu, and Romano Stangherlin.