The nuraghe Burghidu in Ozieri

The nuraghe Burghidu rises above the Piana di Ozieri. It is a quadrilobed nuraghe. Of the four secondary towers, only the north tower is preserved for about one floor, while the other three have been largely destroyed. The north tower was the only one with an independent entrance, while the other three were connected to each other by corridors included in the connecting curtain walls.

The keep has a remaining height of over 14 m. It was once structured on three levels: the ground floor and the first floor are still intact, and the second floor is preserved only at the base. The original access to the keep is now blocked by wall collapse, and the ground floor is partially buried. The tholos is made up of well-squared trachyte blocks and consists of three niches arranged in a cross.

To reach the site from the SS729, take the SS132 and turn right (sign for Tula). After about 750 m, the entrance gate is on the right. Following the dirt road (other gates to open and close, if closed), turn right and you will arrive at the nuraghe.

(from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Burghidu are by: Marco Secchi, Gianni Sirigu, Bibi Pinna, Francesca Cossu, and Romano Stangherlin.