The nuraghe Alvu of Pozzomaggiore

Perched on the edge of the plateau, the Nuraghe Alvu (Pozzomaggiore) impresses the visitor traveling along the SS292 with its size and picturesque bichromatism.

Its builders, on a base of dark volcanic stone, in the upper part of the main tower they used white limestone,that still surprises those who stop to admire the monument.
Excavated in several stages, the complex Nuraghe features an arrangement with external towers, a courtyard, and a central tower.

Inside this last one, in addition to the classic side niches and the staircase to the upper floor, it is interesting to note the preparation of a hearth made up of wedges with a rounded outer part and, nearby, the construction of a well..From Pozzomaggiore, take the S.S. 272 for about 1.7 km, the site will be visible from the road within the land that borders the road.

(Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Alvu are by: Giovanni Sotgiu, Gianni Sirigu, Sergio Melis, Andrea Mura- Nuragando Sardegna and Alessandro Pilia.