The nuraghe Aiga of Abbasanta

The nuraghe Aiga stands on a low hill just outside the village of Abbasanta.

It is a complex nuraghe, whose plan is difficult to read due to the vegetation that envelops it. It includes three external towers and a central tower on two levels. Inside the central tower, the rooms of the first two levels are still intact, while the room on the second floor has been almost entirely destroyed. The entrance of the nuraghe is currently buried under two meters of debris. However, it is possible to access the interior of the building through the window of the second level.

The Aiga is a destination for enthusiasts of astroarchaeology, as during the summer solstice, the sun penetrates through a hole present on the tholos, creating suggestive plays of light.

(Idese- Ministry of Culture)

The photos of the nuraghe Aiga are by: Maurizio Cossu, Francesca Cossu, Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna, Cinzia Olias, Romano Stangherlin, and Lorenzo Muntoni.