The nuraghe Adoni – Villanova Tulo

The nuraghe Adoni of Villanova Tulo stands “in a remarkable position, on the summit of a rise, above an outcrop of cliff limestone from Giurese, in the center of the historical region of Sarcidano. It gazes out over large stretches of southern Sardinia. The nuragic complex consists of a central tower (…), a quadrilobate bastion (…), a powerful outer wall, and, to the east, a village. Of the central tower, or mastio, partially cleared of collapses during the excavation work, a section of the outer wall corresponding to the remaining structures of the first-floor chamber is visible. The different construction technique adopted in building the walls of the bastion compared to that used in the mastio suggests that the former was built at later times…”

The quoted period is taken from “Sardegna Cultura”. The images of the nuragic complex are by: Maurizio Cossu, Nicola Castangia, Gianni Sirigu, Giovanni Sotgiu, and Bibi Pinna.