“In the southern portion of the beautiful plateau of Golgo, there is a monumental nuragic complex, characteristic for its peculiarities: what impresses at first glance is the contrast between the white and gray color of the limestone rock, present everywhere, and the intense green of the dense spontaneous vegetation. Perched at 511 meters above sea level, on a limestone cliff that enhances its control function over the underlying plain, the complex of Co’ e Serra consists of a central body formed by a first circular tower with a diameter of 7 meters connected, by means of a covered corridor with flat roof, to a second tower with an oval shape with a diameter of about 8 meters.”…”In the forest that surrounds the nuragic complex, overwhelmed by vegetation, the remains of circular huts and fragments of ceramics and millstones can be recognized, testifying to an intense phase of life during the nuragic age.” (Excerpts from the booklet “Archaeological Sites of Ogliastra” published in 2006 by the Province of Ogliastra and edited by Caterina Nieddu). The nuraghe is also close to “Su Sterru”, a natural sinkhole considered one of the deepest single-chamber chasms in Europe, described on the Agugliastra.it website from which the attached image is also taken: “It is a chasm (Sterru) of karst origin formed in the Giurese limestone, whose mouth is located in a valley depression partially filled with Plio-Pleistocene basaltic lava, hence the name “old crater.” The photos of the nuraghe “Co’e Serra” of Baunei are by Maurizio Cossu, a passionate photographer who recently passed away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul4-TM0Jz4c