The “toothed” dressing in the giants’ tombs

“In a quite significant group of tombs, equally spread in the Center-North (tombs of Iloi, Sedilo-OR; Seleni, Lanusei – Nu; etc.), instead of the arched stele, the facade presented a front made of rows of stones, crowned by a particular trapezoidal stone (the so-called “concio a dentelli”), with three hollows (or even three holes) in which three small stone betili were set, perhaps symbolizing a triad of deities, or a divine principle reiterated according to a number loaded with magical-religious meaning…” (Paolo Melis “Civiltà Nuragica”).
In the photos, the giants’ tombs of: Iloi in Sedilo (Diversamente Sardi and Sergio Melis); Pradu su Chiai in Villagrande Strisaili (Sergio Melis); Seleni in Lanusei (Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna); Su Paddalzu in Chiaramonti (Mario Unali), Mura ‘e Mei in Sedilo (Marco Cocco), Maschiola in Aidomaggiore (Aidomaggiore Archaeological Association).