The ancient settlement of Posada

The nuraghe Pizzinnu of Posada is a trilobate structure today reduced to its bare essentials. However, various interesting objects have been found inside, currently housed in the Sanna Museum in Sassari. These include daggers, bronze bracelets, awls, and rings, but especially the splendid representation of a bull and what remains of a hearth with ceramic remains dated between the 15th and 14th centuries BC. The bull, in particular, is similar to that included in the Borowski collection.

The homonymous stream also flows at Posada, sadly famous for the damage and casualties it caused in November 2013 when it overflowed the Torpè dam that contained it. The need to keep this watercourse under control was even noted by Giovanni Arca, a historian of the 1500s, who in his “Barbaricinorum libelli” wrote about a perennial and impetuous river called Errettinio or Erretinium, which started from the territory of Bitti and flowed right near this town. Moreover, Posada is one of the oldest municipalities in Sardinia. Near it, in 1923, a bronze statuette was found (currently on display at the Archaeological Museum of Cagliari), about 30 cm tall and depicting an Italic Hercules, dated by scholars to a period between the mid-5th and the early decades of the 4th century BC.