The sacred well Is Pirois is in Villaputzu.

Place Along the valley of the Rio Quirra, on a hill that follows the slope, the sacred well of Is Pirois (Villaputzu) was discovered by chance in the 1970s and is one of the best preserved in Sardinia.

The atrium of the well is bounded by two wall parameters made of roughly hewn granite blocks. FromThe trapezoidal entrance with a lintel leads to the staircase composed of 8 steps through which one descends into the well chamber, closed at the top by a tholos about 5 meters high.

Unlike the external walls, the internal and external structure of the well has been built with rows of slabs. of local stone (green and blue schist) arranged with regularity and precision. The combination of the two techniques gives originality to the monument. Another peculiarity is the presence, above the tholos, of a second chamber, lacking access from the outside, which features a hole in the center corresponding to the keystone of the internal tholos.

The well is fed by a perennial spring whose waters are potable. In case of heavy rains, the water can cover the entire staircase.

To reach the sacred well, take the state road 125 towards Tertenia until km. 88.400. After crossing the rio S. Giorgio, take the dirt road on the right indicated by a sign. After crossing the river, you will encounter another sign and continue for about another 300 m. Leaving the car in the parking lot, the sacred well is reachable after a walk of about 150 m.

(Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the sacred well Is Pirois are by: Giovanni Sotgiu, Andrea Mura – Nuragando Sardegna, Lucia Corda and Francesca Cossu.