Full room for the first meeting on the Nuragic civilization. It continues on April 15.

The conversations began on Tuesday, March 26, with the first meeting titled “Nuragic Civilization and Unesco, just culture or also economic development?” featuring our Association as the protagonist.
A total of six meetings. Six specific moments of discussion aimed at involving all sensitivities and professionals interested in the project.
During the first appointment, the President of the Association,Pierpaolo Vargiu, and the President of the scientific committee,Francesco Pigliaru, to dialogue, confront, and seek to outline the path so that the Sardinian nuragic heritage becomes that driving force for development capable of generating real and lasting growth for the entire Sardinia and for future generations, in a process that, starting from the immense historical and archaeological heritage, knows how to combine environmental protection and new development opportunities.Watch the Tg2 Sì viaggiare service aired at the beginning of the meeting.

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It is becoming increasingly evident how the ancient Sardinian civilization is the true identity card that can make Sardinia immediately recognizable. Here: the cycle of conversations starts precisely from the assumption that the project for the enhancement of the nuragic civilization can represent the business card of Sardinia in the world.

Here are the other scheduled events (Manifattura Tabacchi, Cagliari, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM)

 MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2024. From 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, space for the themeIt seems that your message got cut off. Please provide the text you would like translated, and I’ll be happy to assist you!Fountains and water architectures in the history of SardiniaIt seems there is no text provided for translation. Please provide the text you would like to have translated., with the participation ofSandra Tobia, member of the Association, andMarco Cadinu, professor of History of Architecture (Unica).

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024.Third appointment, the first of May, withAntonello Sanna,member of the Association andGiuliana Altea, Art History Professor (UniSS) who will address the topicIt seems that the text you wanted to be translated is missing. Please provide the text again, and I will translate it for you.The Nuragic people are among us. Prehistory and contemporary visual culture“.”

 TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024. On May 28th at 6:00 PM, the topic will be discussed.The Archaeology of the Genome. The Past Within UsIt seems that there is no text provided for translation. Please provide the text you want to be translated., a journey between past and present entrusted to the direction ofEdoardo Balzarini, member of the Association, andPaolo Francalacci,professor of Genetics (UniCa).

TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024. Tuesday, June 18, with Gianfranco Cocco,member of the Association andGiovanna Fundoni,Researcher in Prehistory and Protohistory (UniSS), the dominant theme will always be the vast Sardinian nuragic heritage with a meeting titled I’m sorry, but it seems that there is no text provided to translate. Could you please provide the text you would like translated?The Sardinians and the fear of the sea. But is it true that the Nuragic people already sailed?“.

TUESDAY, July 2, 2024. Sixth and final appointment on July 2nd. On this occasion Emanuela Abis,member of the Association, will converse with Barbara Argiolas,territorial strategic consultant, on the subjectIt seems that you haven’t provided any text to translate. Please provide the text you would like me to translate to English.Brand: island of the nuraghi. What has gone wrong so far?

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