Proposal for a law for the teaching of ancient Sardinian history in schools

Our Association, with Anci Sardegna, is the protagonist of another important initiative: the request that Sardinian history be integrated into our schools, with particular reference to the prehistoric and protohistoric period in which our civilization has a sense of uniqueness for all of Italy.

It is precisely based on the assumption that the ancient history of Sardinia deserves to be told in textbooks throughout the country that on August 2, during a press conference (click here for the statements) The proposal for the law “Promotion of the Teaching of the History of the Ancient Sardinian Civilization in the Schools of Sardinia” has been delivered to the group leaders of the Regional Council, who will now submit it for the attention of the Assembly. This will initiate a process for the approval of a text of law – which is currently only in draft form – that can respond to the great thirst for knowledge of Sardinian youth about a historical period that, due to the enormous number and quality of the monuments it has left us, creates a unique landscape in the world.

The strength of this proposal is that this bill, which we drafted together with Anci Sardegna, has been signed by almost 200 Sardinian mayors: an extraordinary result!

It is an element, that of the support of the Municipalities, which is worth highlighting because those who know us know that from the very beginning the path of “La Sardegna verso l’Unesco” was born with the involvement of the local communities of Sardinia. In 2020, almost all the municipal councils of Sardinia approved the motion to support the initiative. Today we are talking about finally bringing our ancient history into the Sardinian classrooms and once again the Municipalities of Sardinia are at the forefront, alongside our Association and a battle that has also been positively received by all political representatives in the Regional Council.

The monuments of the nuragic civilization are the extraordinary witnesses of a history still largely to be written, which can certainly become an extraordinary element of recognition and identity for Sardinia in the world, capable of ensuring opportunities, innovation, sustainable development that reflects in all sectors of Sardinian culture and economy. We were convinced of this: today we are even more so!