In 2011, the exhibition of the restored statues of Monte ‘e Prama was inaugurated in Sassari. From the guide to the exhibition (“La Pietra e gli Eroi”), this excerpt is taken from the presentation curated by the then Regional Director for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Sardinia, Maria Assunta Lorrai:
<<…I don’t know if it is correct to define our warriors as “giants,” certainly defining them as such allows us, in terms of communication, to play with the reference to the fortunate aphorism of Bernard of Chartres “We are like dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.” Here they are returning after the restoration, our Giants. They have an ancient charm and at the same time appear to be witnesses of the contemporary: thanks to their original forms, the hypnotic circles of their eyes, and, again, the rigorous essentiality of the lines of their faces. Here they are, the Giants, ready to tell the Sardinians and the world who they are. And what extraordinary deeds they have accomplished to be sculpted and immortalized in stone…>>
The photos of some statues and fragments of statues found at the site of Monte ‘e Prama, in Cabras, are by Nicola Castangia and Bibi Pinna.