It’s true, in these times of information bombardment and hyper web connectivity, none of us feel the need for new newsletters. Yet “La Sardegna verso l’Unesco” needs to share, to inform, to ask for suggestions from that small and visionary “piece of Sardinia” that has become the driving force of the project that aims to transform “the nuragic civilization” into an extraordinary brand capable of characterizing our Island in the world.
We know that the nuragic heritage represents a unique identity and landscape heritage in the world, and we aim for universal recognition of its value. If Sardinia indeed possesses a precious diamond (and we are certain of it), it is necessary for all Sardinians to be convinced of this, finally choosing to invest enthusiasm and economic resources in this exceptional sustainable development asset, capable of producing wealth and lasting opportunities to create economic growth, prosperity, and new forms of employment.
“Sardegna, island of the nuraghi” must become our business card in the world, which must learn to know us and recognize us through the symbol and the mystery that is the narrative of our ancient civilization.
This newsletter will therefore be a small channel of bilateral communication, allowing us to exchange useful information about the journey that starts from the Unesco recognition of the Sardinian nuragic monuments as a heritage of humanity.
We have worked step by step, involving the entire civil society, local communities, the Region, institutions, and gathering the support of the economic and entrepreneurial world, as well as cultural, academic, sports, and media sectors; emigrants, the school world, associations, volunteering, and so on. At the end of a process that lasted more than two years, in April 2023 a draft of the project dossier was presented to the Ministry of Culture, which represents the preliminary basis for the further advancement of the application towards Paris. The dossier, coordinated by the Links Foundation of Turin, prepared with the sponsorship of the Region, in partnership with the Sardinia Foundation and with the active collaboration of the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, is based on the proposal of a serial site, composed of various monuments that, connecting to the 20,000 nuragic testimonies ubiquitously present in all the municipalities of Sardinia, can represent “the showcase” of our ancient civilization.
Let’s use this newsletter as a tool to stay in touch with each other, knowing well that our goal is so ambitious that it can only be achieved with the determined and convinced help of all Sardinians.
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