11: Sa Sedda ‘e Sos Carros Cultual Complex – Oliena

11 – The cult complex Sa Sedda ‘e sos Carros, in Oliena, is one of the 31 monuments proposed to Unesco as symbols of the grandiose Nuragic civilization, its history, and its vast material testimonies.Nestled in the valley of Lanaitto, the village Sa Sedda e Sos Carros (literally “the crossing point of the carts”) dates back to a period between the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age (12th-9th century BC). It is particularly important for the presence of traces of metal smelting and processing activities during the Nuragic period. It consists of numerous huts, with circular and oval shapes, among which one is of particular interest for its ritual function of a religious type.

The photos of the Nuragic village Sa Sedda ‘e sos Carros in Oliena are by Maurizio Cossu and Lucia Corda.