Cultic complex of Romanzesu in Bitti

The nuragic complex of Romanzesu is located in the territory of Bitti, immersed in an unspoiled oak forest and granite outcrops.

It is a vast village-sanctuary, notable for its size and the variety of architectural solutions adopted. It includes about 100 huts and various places of worship, built almost exclusively with local granite.

At the center of the site stands a well temple, composed of regular rows of carefully worked granite blocks, arranged to form a false dome. The floor is paved, and at the base of the wall there is a bench-seat. The well is connected via a corridor to a circular paved basin, perhaps intended for ritual ablutions.

Two rectangular-shaped temples (megaron) are located in the eastern area of the village. Near the first temple is an elliptical-shaped enclosure. Inside, a series of concentric internal walls create a labyrinthine pathway. An additional rectangular building, with access on one of the long sides, features a paved floor and a few remains of a wide bench.

The village consists of huts with various floor plans. Five large huts are equipped with perimeter seating and are identified as meeting huts.

To reach the village from Bitti, one must take the SS 389 towards Buddusò. At km 54.2, turn left and follow the tourist signage.

(From the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the cult complex of Romanzesu in Bitti are by Bibi Pinna.