1: Giant’s Tomb Coddu Ecchju – Arzachena

1- The tomb of giants of Coddu Ecchju, in Arzachena, is one of the 31 monuments proposed to Unesco as flag bearers of the grandiose Nuragic civilization, its history, and its vast material testimonies. It is one of the most evocative monuments of the Nuragic Sardinia.“Built with local granite, oriented along the E-W axis, with the entrance to the E, it is the product of the restructuring of an older gallery tomb (or “allée couverte”). The gallery burial includes a rectangular funerary corridor with an internal facing constructed with base slabs set on edge upon which blocks are laid in slightly projecting rows. The covering of the chamber is made with slabs arranged flat, while the paved floor, partially destroyed by illegal excavations, follows the natural slope of the land.
The external facing consists of rows of medium-sized stones, with a rough-hewn visible face, arranged in a sloping manner.
To this burial was later added, through a small connecting corridor made up of two slabs set on edge, the semicircular exedra delimited by orthostats. The slabs, decreasing in height towards the sides, are supported at the back by a wall structure that, with a curved shape, connects the semicircle to the burial body. In the center of the exedra stands the arched stele” (Sardegna Cultura).

The photos of the Tomba di giganti di Coddu Ecchju, in Arzachena, are by Nicola Castangia, Lucia Corda, Marco Cocco, and Gianni Orecchioni.