UNESCO heritage nuraghi, in the field of engineers and architects. Agreement between the University of Cagliari department for the race for recognition.Cagliari –It will be necessary to wait until March 31, 2021, to know the outcome of the application for the inclusion of the monuments of the Nuragic civilization in the Unesco heritage. In the meantime, the association “Sardegna verso l’Unesco” is working to achieve this goal. Today, it signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Cagliari. The collaboration will be realized through the study of the architectural, settlement, and infrastructural specifics of the Nuragic cultural heritage of Sardinia. The protocol follows one signed a few weeks ago with the regional research center Crs4. “Another step that Sardinia takes to reach Unesco in the important project of recognizing the network of nuraghi as a World Heritage Site – explained the president of the association Michele Cossa – begins a work that enhances Sardinia’s candidacy to achieve the goal that we have all set together: to bring our Island to the top of the most important destinations in the world to be known, appreciated, and visited through the recognition by Unesco of the historical and cultural peculiarities of our land, so well represented even today by the magnificence of the nuraghi.” “We fully share the objectives of this initiative – said the department director Giorgio Massacci – and we enthusiastically join.” (ANSA).