82.2 and 85.2: Nuraghe Abbagadda in Atzara and nuraghe Genna ‘e Corte in Laconi

82.2 and 85.2: The “Abbagadda” of Atzara is a nuraghe immersed in vegetation, near which is the homonymous nuragic burial. Of the monument, on the West side, a short stretch of wall tangent to the main tower is still partially visible, while, in plan, the outline of the external perimeter can be observed. The entrance to the tower is lintelled, with a trapezoidal section opening and leads into a corridor with a flat ceiling.

The nuraghe “Genna ‘e Corte” of Laconi, also known as Nuraghe Asulu for the blue coloration that the stones inside assume when struck by a light source (coloration likely due to the presence of iron and manganese oxides/hydroxides), is a complex type monument, consisting of a pentagonal bastion that encloses the original tower and a courtyard. The keep, with a circular plan (13 m in external diameter), is preserved to a maximum remaining height of over 12 meters. The masonry is made up of blocks arranged in horizontal rows.

The photos of the nuraghe Abbagadda are by Francesca Cossu, while those of the nuraghe Genna ‘e Corte are by Lucia Corda, Manlio Rubiu, Marina Olla, Bibi Pinna, and Francesca Cossu.