81.2 and 81a.2: Nuraghe Accoro Nuedda and the giant’s tomb Paule Lutturru – Samugheo

81.2 and 81a.2: The nuraghe Accoro Nuedda, in Samugheo, imposing and with walls about seven meters high, appears as a single tower, surrounded by well-cultivated land. On the right, there is a steep spiral staircase leading to its summit, while on the left, there is a niche overlooking the entrance area. Inside the circular room, there are three well-defined niches. The view from the terrace allows one to admire the woods and the well-cultivated land of the industrious Samughesi. It deserves to be visited and enhanced.

The tomb of giants of Paule Lutturru, also in the territory of Samugheo, was excavated in 1996-97. Nearby, numerous menhir statues have been found, some of which are preserved at the textile art museum in Samugheo. (Donna Nuragica)

The photos of the nuraghe Accoro Nuedda are by Antonio Malandrone and Marco Cocco. Those of the tomb of giants of Paule Lutturru are by Sergio Melis, Marco Cocco, and Franco Serreli.