74a.2 and 88.2: Giant’s tomb of Osono in Triei and Nuragic complex Ortali ‘e su Monti in Tortolì

74a.2 and 88.2: The tomb of giants of Osono, in Triei, was restored in 1993, using and repositioning the exedra and the other orthostats, some of which were deteriorated or broken but still in situ. The monument, which shows two different construction phases, was built in both phases during the Early Bronze Age and was used for funerary purposes only during the first phase.

The nuragic complex S’Ortali e su Monte, located in Orrì in the territory of Tortolì, includes two nuraghi, one of which is unexcavated, a tomb of giants, and a group of menhirs. The remains of the nuragic village are visible around the nuraghe, and nearby there is a small necropolis of domus de janas.

The tomb of giants partially preserves the absidal burial chamber, made with medium-sized polyhedral granite and porphyry blocks. The short internal corridor, rectangular in shape, has walls formed by base orthostats upon which three rows of hewn blocks rest; the flooring is made of the exposed rock. The burial dates back to around 1500 BC.

The three granite menhirs are located on the slope of the saddle, and two of them, placed facing each other, almost seem to delineate a passage.

The photos of the tomb of giants of Osono are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Lucia Corda; those of the nuraghe S’Ortali ‘e su Monti are by Gianni Sirigu, Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna, and Maurizio Cossu; those of the tomb of giants at the same site are by Nicola Castangia and Sergio Melis, while those of the menhirs, also present on site, are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Nicola Castangia.