70.2 and 70a.2: Nuraghi Su Cugutzu di Ghilarza and Larenzu Nieddu di Bonarcado

70.2 and 70a.2: “Su Cugutzu” in Ghilarza is a single-tower nuraghe, completely enveloped by vegetation to the point that from a distance it appears as a large bush.

Lacking the top part of the tholos, inside it features three niches.

“Larenzu Nieddu”, in the territory of Bonarcado, “is a single-tower tholos nuraghe made of local basalt polygonal blocks. The entrance, which opens to the south, is framed and allows access to the corridor, to the left of which opens the space of the spiral staircase that provided access to the upper chamber, which no longer exists today. The internal chamber is well preserved except for the top of the false dome, which has collapsed. Inside the chamber, two facing niches open, respectively to the east and west.” (Giuseppe Maisola).

The photos of the nuraghe Su Cugutzu are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Sergio Melis. Those of the nuraghe Larenzu Nieddu are by Bonarcado Archeologica.