13c: Nuraghe Funtana Bona in Orgosolo and Tomb of the Giants of Bidistili or Durane in Fonni

13c: The Nuraghe Funtana Bona, also known as Su Nuracheddu, is located about 10 km Southeast of Orgosolo. It is a complex nuraghe built on a rocky spur overlooking Monte Novo San Giovanni and Monte Fumai. The tomb of giants of Bidistili or Durane, in the territory of Fonni, is situated a short distance from the Durane stream. The burial shows a tomb chamber about 9 meters long and a large exedra at the front measuring 14 meters in length. It is entirely constructed of granite with blocks arranged in regular rows. The central part features an entrance door topped by the so-called “toothed block.” The large exedra, equipped with benches-seats for the resting of pilgrims, hosts, to the east, a small betilo, which must have been an object of worship. The photos of the nuraghe Funtana Bona, in the territory of Orgosolo, are by Marco Cocco. Those of the tomb of giants of Bidistili or Durane, in Fonni, are by Sergio Melis and Nuraviganne.