111.2 E 112.2: Giant’s Tomb Su Niu ‘e su Crobu and Nuragic Village Grutti Acqua – Sant’Antioco

111.2 E 112.2: The tomb of the giants Su Niu de su Crobu stands on a rocky hill, not far from the sea, in the area of Sa Corona de su Crabì in Sant’Antioco. The burial, of the “a filari” type, consists of an absidal funeral corridor a little over 10 m long and an average of 1.20 m wide; the stones that make it up are poorly worked, arranged in irregular rows and consolidated with numerous wedges. (Municipality of Sant’Antioco)

The nuragic complex of Grutti Acqua rises on a hill overlooking a fertile flat area, in a context of rare environmental beauty..It is the largest in Sant’Antioco and one of the biggest in Sardinia. At the top stands the tower of the nuraghe. At the foot of the hill, the foundations of the nuragic huts are visible.

Where the vegetation is sparser, one can discern the wall perimeters of the huts, whose dimensions were quite limited. From the remains found, it can be hypothesized that the village was particularly extensive.

A little further down the valley is an ancient spring, enclosed in a well temple where sacred rites were performed on special occasions. At the base of the hill, not far away, is a lake basin, an important source of water supply for the nearby village. The banks show clear signs of human regularizing intervention with the artistic arrangement of blocks and stones that frame the so-called “nuragic pond.” (L’Altra Sardegna)

The photos of the Tomb of giants Su Niu ‘e su Crobu are by Nicola Castangia and Maurizio Cossu. Those of the nuragic complex Grutti Acqua are by Paskale Pintori, Maurizio Cossu, and Salvatore Selis.