106.2, 110.2 and 110 a.2: The fascinating and mysterious nuragic complex of “Fanebas” is located in the territory of Assemini near the S.P. connecting Capoterra and Santadi, at the edge of an equipped picnic area. It is situated near the source of Mitza Fanebas and within the “Gutturu Mannu” forest, which, with its 4700 hectares of extension, is the largest holm oak forest in the Mediterranean. The numerous and evident collapses allow for only a partial appreciation of the central tower, to which at least two other towers were adjacent, along with the stone testimonies of the vast surrounding settlement.
The Nuraghe Motti, also known as Punta Pranu Cristi, is a single-tower structure located in Sarroch on one of the hills facing the sea in front of the hill where the most famous Nuraghe of Sa Domu and S’Orku is situated. The site is not easily accessible, especially due to the dense, harsh, and thorny vegetation surrounding it.
The nuraghe Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku is among the most important and visited in the territory of Sarroch, not only for its historical significance but also because it is easily reachable and usable, being equipped with paths, resting areas, and signage. It consists of two towers connected by an internal courtyard accessed from the entrance. The oldest part is the tower on the right for those entering, while the tower on the left and the connecting walls were added later.
The photos of the nuragic complex of Fanebas are by Bibi Pinna, Marco Cocco, and Antonello Gregorini. The photos of the nuraghe Motti are by Francesca Cossu, while those of the nuraghe Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku are by Bibi Pinna, Nuraviganne, Marco Cocco, and Francesca Cossu.