101 a.2 and 101 b.2: Nuraghe Su Nuraxi in Siurgus Donigala and the megalithic tomb of Pranu Siara in Suelli

101 a.2 and 101 b.2: The nuraghe of Siurgus Donigala, today called “Su Nuraxi,” is a single-tower structure once more known by the name “Cocconi.” There is suspicion of the existence of a second tower in the past. One peculiarity is that a Byzantine burial complex has been uncovered in the keep: a sacred use to which it evidently has never been subjected over time. Indeed, another of the known names for this building has long been “Sa Parrocchia.”

The uniqueness of the site of Pranu Siara, in Suelli, particularly refers to the fact that the megalithic tomb is not isolated but is part of an extensive necropolis perfectly aligned for several hundred meters and surmounted, at the point of the elevation change, by a sort of fortified enclosure that seems to be configured to protect the plateau, according to settlement models of similar structures documented in the northwestern area of the island, in the regions of Olmedo and Castelsardo.

The photos of the nuraghe “Su Nuraxi” are by Bibi Pinna, Gianni Sirigu, and Franco Serreli. Those of the megalithic tomb of Pranu Siara are by Pierluigi Montalbano, Bibi Pinna, and Francesca Cossu.