100 b.2 and 100 c.2: Nuraghi Sant’Antonio di Segariu and San Sebastiano di Gesico

100 b.2 and 100 c.2: Built with limestone and marl blocks, the nuraghe Sant’Antonio di Segariu, also known as Nuraghe Su Pranu, has a quadrilobate floor plan, with a central tower and four external towers oriented according to the cardinal points. It is surrounded by an antemurale, and what remains of four other towers is visible. Inside the complex, there is also a sacred well.
The nuragic complex of San Sebastiano, in Gesico, “consists of nine towers, three of which are related to the central structures, and six to the robust antemurale. Its absolute peculiarity is the direct presence of the ruins of a small rural church, dedicated to the eponymous saint and dating back to the early 17th century, to which eleven burials found in the area surrounding the sacred building refer. On the hill of San Sebastiano, testimonies of a Punic occupation are legible.” (Mibact)
The photos of nuraghe Sant’Antonio are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Marco Cocco. Those of nuraghe San Sebastiano are by Maurizio Cossu.