10 c: Nuraghe Ruggiu and domus de janas of Filigosa – Macomer

10c: The nuraghe Ruggiu, located in the territory of Macomer, is a single-tower structure built with medium and large blocks arranged in regular rows. The nuraghe is not in good condition. The southeast entrance, collapsed, leads into a corridor that on the left wall shows the access to the staircase (also collapsed). The chamber has a circular plan and retains a maximum height of 9 m.

Not far from the nuraghe are the domus de janas of Filigosa, known for giving their name to an important culture of the Sardinian Eneolithic, the Filigosa culture, closely linked to that of Abealzu, so much so that it is often referred to as the Abealzu-Filigosa culture. The necropolis consists of four multi-cellular domus de janas, excavated on a tuff hill and characterized by the presence of long access dromos. It was used from the 3rd millennium B.C. until the early centuries of the 2nd millennium B.C.

The photos of the nuraghe Ruggiu, in Macomer, are by Gf Columbu, Alessandro Pilia, GioSharDna, and Michele Manca. Those of a domu de janas of Filigosa, also in Macomer, are by Sergio Melis and Nicola Castangia.