The beautiful night photo taken by Valentino Selis at the nuraghe Orolio in Silanus can be considered emblematic of the admirable initiative outlined below, aimed at making various nuraghi located near the main roadways of the island visible, also through suitable night lighting.PRESS RELEASE


Illuminating the representative monuments of the Nuragic civilization. This is the goal of the motion signed by more than fifty regional councilors from various groups within the Regional Council, aimed at making the nuraghi even more visible along the main access routes of our Island, also through the preparation of dedicated signage that highlights their presence along the itinerary.

The project follows a clear line, that of full enjoyment of the Sardinian historical and archaeological heritage, which although it represents a constant along the roads of Sardinia often remains invisible and not easily accessible. Hence the need to implement all those initiatives that can further facilitate the visitation and access to the sites of the most culturally and touristically significant monuments of the Nuragic civilization, as a premise for an important plan for integrated regional territorial development. “The idea of marking and illuminating the nuraghi, already present in a national legislative proposal put forward by Mauro Pili in 2013, arises from the desire to begin restoring full dignity to the history of the Sardinian people,” explains the first signatory Michele Cossa, who believes it is necessary for Anas and other road and electric lighting management entities to equip the main regional roadways with adequate informational signage and access infrastructure to the main archaeological sites, as well as appropriate lighting that enhances their enjoyment, highlighting their suggestiveness and recognizability.

The motion states: “The importance and urgency of a greater enhancement of the monuments of the Nuragic civilization can find timely confirmation in the preparation by both Anas and the provincial administrations, as well as the electricity providers within their respective areas of responsibility, of a plan of programmed interventions to be agreed upon with the relevant regional departments, for the enhancement of the monumental archaeological sites as outlined, following the identification of the monuments involved, the definition of the interventions to be carried out, and the development of coordinated and unified communicative elements also in the signage.”

“The enhancement of the Sardinian Nuragic heritage is now recognized as one of the paths to be followed,” explain the signatories, who recall the commitment and attention that have been manifested in Sardinia over the past months. A political, social, economic, and institutional consensus that has gradually extended to encompass the entire civil society as a whole. Shared objective: to facilitate the dissemination of the importance of spreading knowledge of the historical, archaeological, and architectural content of the testimonies provided by the monuments of the ancient Nuragic civilization in Sardinia, as well as the relevance of developing a project for the island’s economic development linked to the flows of educational, cultural, and environmental tourism. Alongside the active participation of the municipalities of Sardinia – in addition to the support of the Regional Council and the Regional Government – numerous initiatives have involved various levels of institutions, the two Sardinian universities and their departments, the professional and productive world (network of professionals and trade associations), sports associations and societies, culminating in the involvement of shipping companies and educational institutions.