3: Well Temple Predio Canopoli – Perfugas

3- The well temple Predio Canopoli, in Perfugas, is one of the 31 monuments proposed to Unesco as symbols of the grandiose nuragic civilization, its history, and its vast material testimonies.The temple, undoubtedly one of the most refined monuments of the Nuragic Sardinia, features a layout with a vestibule that leads to a staircase connecting to the well chamber. The building is constructed with perfectly worked limestone blocks arranged in regular rows. The vestibule, rectangular (width 2.70 m; depth 1.88 m), with a perfectly paved floor, has two bench-seats formed by two worked blocks along the walls. Near the well, a bronze figurine representing a bull was discovered.

The photos of the well temple at Predio Canopoli in Perfugas are by Bibi Pinna, Maurizio Cossu, and ArcheoUri Vagando.