9: Nuragic village of Serra Orrios – Dorgali

9 – The nuragic village of Serra Orrios, in Dorgali, is one of the 31 monuments proposed to Unesco as flag bearers of the grandiose nuragic civilization, its history, and its vast material testimonies.The complex, one of the most important and best-preserved of the nuragic Sardinia, includes a village-sanctuary with about one hundred huts, two small temples with adjacent enclosures, and two megalithic burials. The village consists of isolated huts and aggregates of huts gravitating around central spaces. There are six groupings, some equipped with well-cisterns and pits connected to water conduits. The huts, circular in shape, are built dry with irregular rows.

The photos of the nuragic village of Serra Orrios in Dorgali are by: Nuragando, Bibi Pinna, Nicola Castangia, Francesca Cossu, Maurizio Cossu, Marco Cocco, and Cinzia Olias.