21: Giant’s grave Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku – Siddi

21 – The Tomb of Giants Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku, in Siddi, is one of the 31 sites proposed to UNESCO as flag bearers of the grandiose Nuragic civilization, its history, and its vast material testimonies.It is one of the best-preserved nuragic monuments. Built on a slight rise of the land, it is of the type with a façade to an exedra in rows. The tomb structure, with an apse, is aligned along the SE-NW axis and is 15.20 meters long. The masonry is made of well-worked medium-sized basalt blocks arranged in regular rows. In some points of the masonry, the use of bedding wedges can be observed.

The photos of the Tomba di giganti Sa Domu ‘e s’Orku, in Siddi, are by: Diversamente Sardi, Bibi Pinna, Maurizio Cossu, and Romano Stangherlin.