10a: Nuraghe Aidu Entos and Semestene – Bortigali

10 a: The nuraghe Aidu Entos (pass of the winds) is located in the territory of Bortigali. It is more properly a protonuraghe or corridor nuraghe and features the particularity of an inscription, on a stone, that marked the boundary line of the territories respectively occupied by the Iliensi and the Balari.

In the inscription, it reads “ILI IVR IN NVRAC SESSAR M C”, which probably attested to the rights of the Ilienses of Nurac Sessar. This is particularly one of the oldest testimonies of the name given to the Sardinian towers.

The Semestene is a nuraghe in fair condition of preservation, located near a small agricultural enterprise. It is situated in the territory of Bortigali and features an intact tholos.

The photos of the nuraghe Aidu Entos in Bortigali are by Nicola Castangia. Those of the nuraghe Semestene, also in Bortigali, are by Alessandro Pilia.