10 f: Nuraghi Santa Barbara and Mandras – Macomer

10 f: The nuraghe Santa Barbara, located in the territory of Macomer, is one of the most well-known on the island and is of a complex type, consisting of a central tower and a quadrilobate bastion with an open courtyard. It was defended by a forward wall, noted by General Della Marmora, which is currently only barely legible on the terrain. The bastion (height 8.80 m) includes four towers connected by wall curtains, with a concave-convex profile, built with roughly hewn basalt blocks arranged in horizontal courses. The nuraghe Mandras, also in the territory of Macomer, is located in the eponymous locality on the Campeda plateau, 600 meters northeast of the nuraghe Mura Sauccu, and less than 300 meters west of the nuraghe Mura Sauccu B. It is a single-tower structure that remains at a maximum height of about 6.50 meters. The masonry work consists of large and medium-sized blocks. The photos of the nuraghe Santa Barbara (Macomer) are by Lucia Corda, Bibi Pinna, and Maurizio Cossu; those of the nuraghe Mandras (Macomer) are by Sergio Melis.