10 l: Nuraghe Orolio or Madrone – Silanus

10 l: The Nuraghe Orolio or Madrone stands on the hill overlooking the municipality of Silanus. It is of the complex type, mainly built of granite. The central tower, about 12 meters high, remains almost intact, originally flanked by two or three other bodies. The nuraghe features two overlapping tholos, connected by a main staircase and a hidden secondary staircase equipped with a mezzanine. At the base of the nuraghe, the ruins of other nuragic constructions that have not yet been adequately investigated can be seen.
The photos of the Nuraghe Orolio or Madrone of Silanus are by Valentino Selis, Bibi Pinna, Maurizio Cossu, GioShardn, and Romano Stangherlin.