50.2, 50d.2, 50c.2 and 50f.2: Nuraghi Ascusa, Tossilo, Solene and Sa Crabarza – Macomer

50.2, 50d.2, 50c.2 and 50f.2: The nuraghe Ascusa in Macomer is a single-tower structure with a staircase, a niche in the corridor, and a chamber bordered by two opposite niches. The tower cannot be fully defined in its external perimeter due to collapses and dense shrub vegetation, but a circular plan with a diameter of about 10 meters at the base is to be assumed. The remaining height is 6.50 meters to the SE and 4.80 meters to the NO. The masonry consists of medium and large basalt blocks arranged in not always regular horizontal rows.

Also in the territory of Macomer, there are three other interesting nuraghi: Tossilo, a single-tower located in the namesake industrial area of Macomer, near the S.S. 131, and Solene, also a single-tower characterized by its still intact tholos.

Finally, “Sa Crabarza” is a single-tower nuraghe with an intact tholos that is located within a currently decommissioned military area, which has not been accessible until recently.

The photos of the nuraghe Ascusa are by Giovanni Sotgiu. Those of the nuraghe Tossilo are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna. The photos of the nuraghe Solene are by Giovanni Sotgiu. Those of the nuraghe Sa Crabarza are by Daniel Floris and Sergio Melis.