68b.2 and 69.2: Nuraghi Porcarzos and Toscono – Borore

68b.2 and 69.2: The “Porcarzos” of Borore is a complex type nuraghe, with a central mastio within a quadrilobate bastion with a straight-curvilinear profile that includes a vaguely rectangular open-air courtyard. The overall structure measures 22.00×20.00 m (OE-NS axis), while the maximum remaining height is 6.20 m to the SW and the thicknesses are 6.40 m to the SW and 2.80 m to the North. Of the towers, only the one located to the East is identifiable, accessible from the courtyard through a corridor with visible steps in the last stretch. The nuraghe “Toscono”, also in the territory of Borore, is located less than 200 meters SE of the tomb of giants of Santu Bainzu, which was supposed to constitute the reference funerary area. It is a single-tower structure, at the center of a vast village bordered by an antemural that is only partially identifiable. The tower, with a circular plan (13.12×2.75 m; diameter at the top 11.90 m), has wall thicknesses of 4.30 m to the East and 3.60 m to the NW, and it is preserved to a maximum height of 7.25 m with 12 courses to the SE. (Sardegna Cultura) The photos of the nuraghe Porcarzos are by Lucia Corda, Bibi Pinna, and Marco Cocco. Those of the nuraghe Toscono are by Gianni Sirigu, Pasquale Pintori, Romano Stangherlin, and Alessandro Pilia.