73.2 and 75.2: Nuraghi Accas and Tradori – Narbolia

73.2 and 75.2: The “Accas,” in Narbolia, is a nuraghe in fair condition. The monument has not been excavated, and both the entrance and the interior are partially buried, likely about 2 m above the original floor level. The chamber is still accessible. Inside, to the left, there is a staircase that is completely buried and inaccessible. Also inside the chamber, along the walls, three niches can be barely discerned, as they are also buried.

The Nuraghe Tradori, also in the territory of Narbolia, “is built of black basalt. The entrance features a pointed arch and is very low. The chamber, from which two low corridors branch off, has a circular plan with a very high and still intact pseudo-dome (tholos). Outside the nuraghe, there is a section of wall made of large stones, on the outer part of which, oriented towards the southeast, opens a tunnel that descends deeply and seems to reach beneath the nuraghe.” (Il Portale Sardo)

The photos of the nuraghe Accas are by Marco Cocco and Francesca Cossu. Those of the nuraghe Tradori are by Francesca Cossu and Stefano Sanna.