91.2 and 92.2: Nuraghi Serbissi and Urceni – Osini

91.2 and 92.2: On the Teccu plateau at 960 meters above sea level, in the territory of the municipality of Osini, stands the nuraghe Serbissi along with its related nuragic village. Serbissi is a complex nuraghe made up of four towers, built at different times and dating back to the middle – late Bronze Age (1500 BC to 1100 BC). The site is very well preserved and has recently been the subject of an excavation and restoration campaign. The four towers are connected by a corridor. The oldest tower, which is also the main one, is over six meters high and consists of two floors; on the ground floor, the “tholos” ceiling is excellently preserved, and there is a staircase leading to the first floor, which is without a ceiling due to a collapse… The site is unique because it features, in the area below, a horizontally developed karst cave with a high ceiling and two entrances, perhaps used by the nuragic people for food storage. Around the nuraghe, you can see remains of circular huts. (Agugliastra.it)

The complex of nuraghe Urceni, also in the territory of Osini, was established at 900 meters on the summit of a rocky spur. It is a well-preserved architectural structure, highly valued for the skillful symbiosis between the construction element and the natural element. One faces a well-preserved architectural structure, highly valued for the skillful symbiosis between the construction element and the natural element. In the area, there are several holm oak trees that partially obscure the view. (Archeotaccu.it)

The photos of the nuraghe Serbissi are by Gianni Sirigu, Bibi Pinna, Lucia Corda, Marco Cocco, Maurizio Cossu, and Giorgio Valdès. Those of the nuraghe Urceni are by Marco Cocco and Gianni Sirigu.