49 b.2 and 49 c.2: Nuraghi Corte and Toccori – Macomer

49 b.2 and 49 c.2: Practically in the city, on an acropolis from which one dominates the plain of Tossilo, in Macomer, stands the nuraghe Corte. Its configuration is the most classic, with a niche to the left of the access to the south, – southeast, and a staircase leading to the upper floor on the left. Inside the tholos, although entirely covered by brambles, the three typical niches can be distinguished.

The nuraghe Toccori, also in the territory of Macomer, is a single-tower structure located on a basalt acropolis, a natural fortress. Inside, a shelter for shepherds was built, which is now abandoned.

The photos of the nuraghe Corte are by Marco Cocco. Those of the nuraghe Toccori are by Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna and Lucia Corda.