Archaeological complex “Sa Carcaredda” – Villagrande Strisaili

The archaeological complex “Sa Carcaredda,” in Villagrande Strisaili, “includes a nuragic building used for worship, a large village, and 5 giant tombs. The temple, built with irregular blocks of granite, porphyry, and more rarely limestone, is articulated in two quadrangular rooms that lead into a circular space that housed an altar reproducing two nuragic towers connected by a masonry wall. Outside, a structure with an irregular rectangular plan has yielded an extraordinary deposit of votive bronzes, dedicated to the deity during worship. In the immediate vicinity, there is a village not yet scientifically investigated, of which only the layout of the walls can be discerned. In a dense oak forest, two hundred meters from the temple, there is a giant tomb, well-preserved and characterized by exceptional monumentality. Further on, there is a second tomb, with orthostats and also in good condition. The religiosity of the nuragic people is illustrated by monuments that refer to ancestor worship and the rites related to the water deity. The extraordinary finds discovered within the circular temple highlight the cultic and commercial centrality that the mountain sites had during the Bronze Age in Sardinia.” (Cooperativa Irei) The photos of the archaeological complex “Sa Carcaredda” are by ArcheOgliastra and Francesca Cossu.