Osidda and the nuraghe Iscobalzu

Osidda is located “at the northwestern tip of the plateau ofBitti, a short distance from the Tirso river, in an area where ancient paths through oak forests lead to admire suggestive landscapes and areas of great archaeological interest.

With about 250 inhabitants, Osidda is the smallest municipality in the Nuorese, nestled between the territories ofBuddusòandNuleand surrounded by green expanses, inviting long walks.

In the Middle Ages, it was part of the giudicato of Gallura, within the curatoria ofMonte Acuto“Today it is a center of agropastoral origin, linked to its identity traditions.” (Sardegna Turismo)

Near the village, alongside a pleasant agriturismo, stands the nuraghe S’Iscobalzu or Iscopalzu,

“composed of a main tower made entirely of granite, with a diameter of about 12.5 meters and a maximum remaining height of 5 meters.

The corridor features the staircase on the right side, cluttered with debris, and a niche on the left side.

The interior of the chamber even has five niches elevated above the original floor level.

To the main tower, at the entrance, is attached an added structure formed by two straight walls, parallel, 1.10 meters wide, that merge in a circular manner.

In addition, there is another added structure, with the same characteristics but smaller in size.

Around the nuraghe, there are the buried remains of the village and traces of a wall. (Source of information: Decree of the Superintendency of Archaeology of Sardinia no. 183 of November 20, 2012).

The photos of the nuraghe Iscobalzu are by Giuseppe Csoddu Soddu and Andrea Mura-Nuragando Sardegna.”