The archaeological complex of Scerì in Ilbono

The Scerì complex, located in the territory of Ilbono, consisting of a nuraghe, village, and necropolis, is hidden among the landscapes of deep Ogliastra, in eastern Sardinia, a perfect fusion of history and nature.

It is one of the most interesting testimonies of the ability of the ‘architects’ of the nuragic era to exploit natural elements to build their structures. The Scerì complex stands strategically on a granite tower, partially surrounded by a river, in the territory of Ilbono. Within the archaeological park, you will admire a nuraghe, a village, and two. domus de Janas.

The most important structure is the nuraghe, of complex type with an added body, built with medium-sized squared granite blocks. The main tower, with a circular plan, stands at just under five meters in height. From the entrance with a well-crafted lintel, you will access a rectangular corridor, which in turn leads to the internal chamber. In the northern part, an additional trapezoidal lintel entrance opens, leading to a curvilinear corridor, at the end of which you will reach the building body… Adjacent to the nuraghe, a large village of huts for residential and productive use extends, where materials have been found that allowed the dating of the nuragic phase of the complex between the Middle and Late Bronze Age (15th-12th century BC). (Excerpts from Sardegna Turismo).

The photos of the nuraghe Scerì are by Maurizio Cossu, Nicola Castangia, Gianni Sirigu, and Francesca Cossu. The photo of the homonymous domus de janas is also by Francesca Cossu.