The nuraghe Majore in Cheremule

The nuraghe Majore di Cheremule is a splendid example of a single-tower nuraghe, excellently preserved.

Situated atop a small promontory, it is picturesquely built against the trachyte rock, which is partially integrated into the base masonry.

Constructed with regular stones, it features a notable entrance that penetrates the thickness of the wall with a cover that progressively rises to form a negative staircase, ending inside the cell with a blind drainage window.

A niche in the main chamber, facing the entrance, connects this room with one below, carved into the rock.

A staircase built into the masonry and accessible from the entrance leads to the upper floor, partially preserved for about 1.5 meters, where it is still possible to see an additional niche created within the thickness of the wall.

From the Thiesi exit (toward Romana), travel about 9.300 km. Here, take the first fork on the right and proceed along the dirt road until reaching a rudimentary gate (metal mesh and wooden posts). After passing the gate, continue for 200 meters until you reach a sheepfold, in front of which the monument is visible. Leave the car and proceed on foot, passing through a fence.

The site is marked by a tourist sign along the SP 50 road. The monument can also be reached from the paved road, but several fences must be crossed.

(from Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the nuraghe Majore are by Andrea Mura – Nuragando Sardegna