The Nuragic sanctuary of Sos Nurattolos in Alà dei Sardi

The complex of Sos Nurattolos (Alà dei Sardi) stands at about one thousand meters above sea level, on a granite plateau from which it overlooks the plateau of Buddusò and the surrounding valleys.

The site includes a sacred spring, a megaron temple, and several huts. The sacred source is located within a circular courtyard with a side access of steps. The plan is rectangular with a facade in antis. The main cell features masonry benches along the walls and a circular well chamber with an intact tholos roof. Inside the courtyard, there is a large circular hut, perhaps a service room related to the cult activities.

At the top of the hill stands the temple “a megaron.”,with a rectangular plan and overhanging side walls that are preserved to a remarkable height. The small temple is surrounded by an elliptical enclosure. The enclosure also includes a singular structure consisting of two circular rooms placed one inside the other, apparently without entrances.

A short distance away, at a higher elevation, excavations have revealed a large hut with a bench-seat at the base, of the type known as “meeting huts” found in numerous nuragic villages.

From the center of Alà, follow the signs for the archaeological area of Sos Nurattolos. Upon reaching the parking area, park and take the path with steps that leads to the top.

(from the Ministry of Culture – Idese)

The photos of the Sos Nurattolos complex are by: Giovanni Sotgiu, Gianni Sirigu, Sergio Melis, and Pino Fiore