Barumini Foundation and the Association “La Sardegna verso l’Unesco” together for the Unesco nomination.

The nuraghe symbol of Sardinia will be “Su Nuraxi di Barumini and the monuments of the nuragic civilization of Sardinia.” A “renomination” that becomes a focal point for the candidacy of the nuraghi in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Wednesday, March 13, in the council chamber of the Municipality of Barumini, in the presence of the Superintendency of Cagliari, the Institutions, and the various parties involved, aiming to strengthen the collaboration between the municipal administration, the association “La Sardegna verso l’Unesco,” and the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation, with the ultimate goal of achieving that historic result long awaited by all of Sardinia, namely the recognition of the monuments of the ancient nuragic civilization in the important World Heritage List.

PROTOCOL.To make the actions undertaken by the actors leading this nomination process to Unesco for the nuraghi effective, a series of initiatives and actions have been planned within the document signed by Michele Zucca (mayor of Barumini), Pier Paolo Vargiu, president of the association Sardegna Verso l’Unesco, and Emanuele Lilliu, president of the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation, to facilitate the achievement of this ambitious project. Among the paths identified in the protocol, in addition to transferring the important skills developed by the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation in managing a Unesco site, there are also: common activities related to strengthening the identity significance of the monuments of the Nuragic Civilization of Sardinia and the specificity of the site of Su Nuraxi-Casa Zapata; the identification and implementation of initiatives for disseminating historical-scientific knowledge about the Sardinian civilization among the population, particularly in schools, and the activation of initiatives to promote knowledge of the historical and archaeological heritage of the nuragic civilization at a national and international level.

BARUMINI.“We are satisfied with this further step forward taken today as our commitment to support and promote this candidacy involves a central role for Barumini – emphasizes Mayor Michele Zucca – the protocol lists a series of interventions planned over the years by the municipal administration that today, thanks to the association and the Foundation, can find strong joint support for their implementation. The experiences of Barumini consolidated through the Unesco recognition of ‘Su Nuraxi’ will be essential to achieve a fundamental result for the entire Sardinia.”

VARGIU.“With the update of the Memorandum of Understanding, we are taking another important and significant step together to continue the fruitful collaboration in drafting the candidacy dossier for the UNESCO World Heritage list of the monuments of the nuragic civilization – explains the president of the ‘La Sardegna verso l’Unesco’ Association, Pierpaolo Vargiu – The relationship between us and the Barumini Foundation is not just an update but is almost a strengthening of a ‘pact’ aimed at identifying and implementing the best initiatives to spread, enhance, and increase awareness of the universal value of the identity roots linked to the ancient Sardinian civilization. It is increasingly evident how the ancient Sardinian civilization is the true identity card that can make us immediately recognizable in the world, creating new development perspectives that ensure Sardinia a constant and lasting growth: with the update of the Memorandum of Understanding, we will be able to strengthen our application to UNESCO, facilitating the path of the nuragic civilization towards Paris,” concluded Vargiu.

LILLIU.According to the president of the Barumini Foundation, Lilliu: “We are convinced that further strengthening our bond with the Association La Sardegna Verso l’Unesco, based on the rich experiences and skills developed over the years in managing and enhancing UNESCO sites, can lead to results of extraordinary importance for the entire Sardinian region. The inclusion of the millenary Nuragic civilization in the List of World Heritage would represent a significant step that could not only enhance the historical-cultural prestige of Sardinia but also open new horizons for economic development, especially in the historical-archaeological tourism sector. This potential recognition could transform Sardinia into an authentic symbol of excellence in the Mediterranean context, highlighting and celebrating its historical and cultural uniqueness.”