In 1952, to intercept the waters of the Flumendosa, the ancient “Saeprus flumen”, the so-called “lago basso” was created. On the hills surrounding the artificial reservoir, there are numerous nuraghi, which were built at the time to guard this important waterway. Monuments that still characterize the landscape, contributing to its charm.

Attached: The nuraghi Cangialis (ph. Diversamente Sardi and Bibi Pinna), Corongiu Maria (ph. Gianni Sirigu, Bibi Pinna, and Francesca Cossu), Stessei (ph. Marco Cocco) of Nurri, and Cuccuru Is Abis of Esterzili in the photos by Maurizio Cossu. The photo of the lago basso of the Flumendosa is by the author.