From an article by archaeologist Mario Sanges on the archaeological excavation and restoration of the Tomba dei Giganti di Osono, in the territory of Triei (“Quaderni di Darwin” – 2008): “The Tomba di Giganti di Osono is located in the valley of the same name about three kilometers from the urban center of Triei, in high Ogliastra and two kilometers from the nuragic complex of Bau Nuraxi, whose excavation has provided invaluable testimonies that refer to the entire time span of the Nuragic Civilization and beyond. The highland valley of Osono is surrounded to the North, West, and East by a series of hills, while to the South-Southeast this fantastic natural amphitheater opens up and dominates from above, like an immense terrace, the underlying plain of Ardali and the sea of Arbatax. The circumstances that led to the discovery of the tomb were quite singular. A worker who was excavating at Bau Nuraxi, an avid hunter, told me one day that in the valley of Osono, at the edges of the cultivated fields, there was an enormous and intricate bush of mastic and brambles with a neat row of huge granite slabs inside, from which wild boars regularly emerged during hunting expeditions. A quick and timely inspection confirmed the presence of a large tomb of giants, apparently in excellent condition of preservation of which there was no prior knowledge. The subsequent intervention of clearing and cleaning allowed the entire tomb structure to be brought to light, thus initiating the archaeological excavation and restoration work that lasted for several years…”. The photos of the Tomba di Giganti di Osono in Triei are by Francesca Cossu.Taken during the restoration in 1993, it is taken from the mentioned magazine.